The father of the theory of climate change, Wallace S. Broecker, happened yesterday in Madrid to receive the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge, which was the winner of the Climate Change category. In fact, a June 15, but in 1952, admitted the activist began work on the Earth Observatory of Columbia University (USA), which today is a professor. Perfect knowledge of the evolution of climate and ocean chemistry, Broecker was the first scientist who in 1975, defined climate change in an article in the journal Science.
American scientist is convinced that renewable energies are not going to produce enough energy to replace fossil fuels, at least in the next 50 years. During that time, energy needs are going to be increasing exponentially multiplied by the development of emerging economies. And with them, grow the carbon dioxide emissions.
Broecker says: "The great climatic changes have been negotiated in some way in the oceans, the amount they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. But the oceans are capable of capturing only 35% of CO2, therefore, at this rate until the year 2075 at best, would not be able to cool the planet. " In this context, the expert as the only alternative is a hybrid system, in which, first, further driving the development of alternative energy and at the same time, capture CO2 from the atmosphere. Further considering that, in his opinion, "it is necessary to reduce CO2 emissions by 90%."
To defend this theory, Broecker is based on investigations of their colleague Klaus Lackner of Columbia University, has developed a system whereby you can capture carbon dioxide.
Destination, aquifers
storage could be done in fresh water aquifers, deep ocean, injecting it into the basaltic rocks or in the polar regions, but this is the most remote. "The advantage of aquifers," said the expert, "is that all countries have some and would not be necessary international treaties." Precisely Norway, according to Broecker, "it takes about seven years storing CO2 in a sandy aquifer under the North Sea, with satisfactory results. "
Broecker explained that the industrialized countries have already given a lot of CO2, especially the U.S., and we must be "responsible. It is necessary to create an international agency and put to work, "he adds.
scientist states that the European Union has already held meetings to unlock significant budgets for this purpose. However, says: "The science adviser to President Obama told me in person that provides for the implementation of 50 pilot projects to capture CO2." In fact, Broecker himself involved in one of these programs in Iceland.
The month of December is the Copenhagen summit, which should define the limits of CO2 emission of each country to replace the Kyoto Protocol. He believes that, unlike what happened at other summits, "this time the U.S. contribution will be positive." Stresses in any case, awareness is needed in countries like China, in addition to overcoming political barriers of the past, "as the Jester had for president and he trusted only to the dictates his master", ironically, in reference to former U.S. President George W. Bush.
The northern hemisphere is warmer than the south
Today, the latest studies directed Broecker paleoclimatic for a year and a half are aimed at demonstrating that abrupt climate change may suffer periods, including less than 20 years. Based on data from closed lakes and stalagmites in caves, the scientist develops patterns of rainfall, "that are being reduced, unlike what happened in the glacial epoch, the thermal Ecuador moves to the northern hemisphere, to be heated , stirring it precipitation. "
Publication Date: Tuesday, 16 dEurope / Berlin June dEurope / Berlin 2009Categoría:
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