decree the environmental warning half the province
it because they will enter the season where the low humidity more easily occur in rural and forest fires.
Fernando Colautti
from The Province today declared a state of "environmental alert" in much of the territory of Cordoba, due to be entered into the season where the low humidity more easily occur in rural and forest fires.
The decree published in the Official Gazette states that the warning will last until December 31 in the departments Punilla, Calamuchita, Santa Maria, Pocho, Minas, San Alberto, San Javier, Cruz del Eje, Ischilín, Tulumba, Sobremonte, Rio Seco, Totoral, Columbus and Rio Cuarto.
The decree provides for "the prohibition in public lands (those areas) the ignition of any fire and any activity that could lead to starting fires. "The Government also asks the mayors and presidents of municipalities to adhere to the measure," dictating within their jurisdictions sismilares provisions and taking preventive measures and dissemination ".
decree also provides that dealers mountain resorts, tourist areas, campgrounds and resorts, land owners, summer houses, clubs and entertainment premises in general may not conduct or permit to be made of fire burning in their fields.
"In case of fire, shall be the immediate initiation of legal action patrimonial damages against the authors, perpetrators and / or guardians, with confiscation of property, in order to obtain compensation for the expenses to be incurred by the provincial government for its combat and fighting, "the same standard.
The Secretariat for Civil Defense and Risk Management under the Ministry of Government, may extend or reduce the area involved with this action "when the circumstances and climate and environmental conditions permit."
Article Source: The Voz del Interior
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