says The people and history confirms, that the Lord Chafloque Adolfo Espinoza ( †) a successful businessman Eten City identified with the development and progress of the blessed land of the "Divine Miracle Child", especially with the Municipal Sports Club and the Cemetery Ornato and Conservation of the Third World Eucharistic City, a witness is the year 1977 it opened two works for the good of Etenano Cemetery, with its own resources of the said Entrepreneur: The Alameda Building with concrete benches on the sides, starting from the City Club to the outside entrance of the cemetery and the Construction of Two Gardens, located on the sides of the facade of the necropolis etenana, which were planted pretty flowers ornamental plants, plus pay for the services of a gardener for services rendered.
the modern cemetery
Currently this is the Santa Maria Magdalena Cemetery, completely renovated.

Chapel of the Brotherhood "Lord of the Good Death" located inside the cemetery, where the closed cases are given a last farewell with songs and fired from the family

family mausoleum, structures for the burial of the deceased

The famous ancient niches, which also buried the dead.

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