many decades have passed, more than a century, from 1879 years in municipal government taking Don Pedro J. Carrillo through two periods. Since that time - we take as a reference source - until now have other governments past mayors. But our main square has not changed in structure. Only be renewed for another modernized monument etenano hero Pedro Ruiz Gallo - unless the house of his birth.
tile walkways must configure the Chakana, which literally means union with the Hanan Pacha, which is or what is great .
In honor Eten City's favorite son, stands a monument to military wise Lieut. Col.. Pedro Ruiz Gallo, who was born on June 24, 1838 and died on April 24 in 1880 invented an explosive in defense of the homeland against the invading Chilean Pacific War. It is important to note that the first monument was a bronze bust (which is now in the IES "Pedro Ruiz Gallo") and now is a famous statue of our hero etenano.
In February - 2004 - on the initiative of Mr. JORGE SALAZAR Quesquén , who brings neighbors Home Park, and they in turn call for the authorities and various representatives of institutions to form the Committee for the main park. So February 24 is formed the Civic Committee HOME PARK being elected to exercise the following public positions: President: Ana Salazar Barrios, Vice-President: Dante Escajadillo Farro, Recording Secretary: Miss Elizabeth Morales Cumpa; Pro Secretary: Mr. Pedro Ruiz Rabines, Treasurer: Mr. Luciano Quesquén Yuptón; Pro Treasurer: Mr Reg Jose Isidro Isique Chancafe; Prosecutor: Mr. Juan Pedro Ucañay, Public Relations: Mr. Oscar Liza Llaque, 1st vocal Sr . Chumioque Wilfredo Ramos, the 2nd voice: Mr. Camilo Quesnay Neciosup, Legal Advisor: Dr. Javier Liza Chancafe.

In the center of the park is enlosetado LIRA design, that from there down the harp, guitar, harp and lute, symbol of the cradle of the best musicians Eten. In the bottom of this musical instrument you can see the rising sun that led to language Muchick means Atina, ATIN: "He woke up," dawned. "
The new directive called professionals in Civil Engineering and Architecture conforming the Technical Committee, being the representative of Mr. Jorge Llumpo Architects and Engineers Cumpa Mr. Carlos Alberto Gómez Neciosup. This committee produced the first model that subsequently had many changes.
etenana The weaver, a symbol of work, which weaves yarn strand to the people's hope Muchick. She represents the ancestor of a thriving village with women artisans carve their power.
Days 01 and May 2, 2004 were collected from the public getting S /. 2, 621 nuevos soles - of which 321 nuevos soles used for the development of the model and the rest is deposited in the Bank Credit. Collection
With had to open two accounts, one in soles N º 305-13010915 - 0 - 26, and dollar account No. 305-13010915 - 0 - 16.
The Municipality of Ciudad Eten represented by then Mayor Dr. Hernán López Sandoval Attorney Jusus pledged support to 50% of project cost and 50% will be obtained with the support of the people and the efforts etenano the Commission chaired by Mrs. BA Ana Salazar Barrios nursing.
The ornamental fountain in the likeness of a clay pot is located on the north side of the park, at the top, the hat symbolizes crafts our people. The clay pot that sustains the family finances into the fabric of our art.
coordinations were made with different institutions and residents Chiclayo, Chimbote, Trujillo and Lima in order to summon them to join this longing.
On the other hand was managed with Congressman Dr. counsel Etenano Javier Velásquez Quesquén for the project is run by the Social Support Program "A Trabajar Urbano" (Building Peru today), which funded the first stage demolition and finished items for the amount of S /. 300 000 nuevos soles; IN THE SECOND STAGE, The Ministry of Tourism and Trade through its COPESCO entity, the entity that implements projects related to promote domestic tourism welcomes the construction of the park with the name of PARK RESORT AND ORGANIC " PEDRO RUIZ GALLO ", which initially did not. This name was adopted etenano longing that started and finished at the end of the term of Mayor Jesús López Hernán Sandoval.
The approximate total construction of the Park is S /. 1 '500, 000. 00 nuevos soles
THE PERIMETER PARK STABLESThe harpist etenano that revives the spirit of joy and roistering at family parties and folkloric in the region. The wooden harp with 32 strings and the pianola etenana are symbols of people's music show.