Saturday September 13, 1918 hs.
Yard, Historical City Hall.
Presents: Alejandro Mendez
With: Paula Oyarzábal, Maria Teresa Andruetto, Adriana Musitano and Juana Luján.
Presents: Alejandro Mendez
With: Paula Oyarzábal, Maria Teresa Andruetto, Adriana Musitano and Juana Luján.
is a blog that operates through self-managed curatorial unsistema: the poets themselves elect their peers. Each person referred is invited to participate in the project and can in vezmencionar to your favorites. The process repeats, adding new names and growing with each turn of the process, according to sociological technique known as "snowball." This system makes a difference with the methods of selection and exclusiónhabituales, moves the cut power to losproductores same artistic field. This configuration through generations, styles, poéticasmostrando the richness and complexity of poetry contemporary Argentina. Moreover, the network form allows visitors to "surf" deafinidad links related to artists each other. It is a collective blog in permanent construction. It is an off-network and growing exponentially, where every poet becomes anthologist. A antologíamóvil and deformed, as a dune: no limits, no hierarchy or censorship. Currently there are over 400 poets participating. This same project is being conducted in other countries: Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain and Italy.
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