- What continuities and ruptures which is between the digital readout display, as is possible thanks to the Internet and the traditional book?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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- What continuities and ruptures which is between the digital readout display, as is possible thanks to the Internet and the traditional book?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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2. broadcasting from Emanuel Fonseca Pinchilón and turning the controversy
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September 6, 1918 hours. Yard.
Cabildo Histórico.
Coordinator: Mariano Saravia , journalist and writer
participate in the table Marcos Rostagno, Photographer filmmaker. Barceló Tomás Cuesta , journalist and photographer. Ramiro Argañaraz , artist and photographer.
The activity will be to develop topics for the magazine, the various dossiers and yes, show how to generate their own magazine covers, their own identity,
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Space Phenomena. Historical City Hall.
I am one of them, he checks the garbage that neighbors, he who sleeps with one eye, he who longs to the kisses of clandestine lovers. And yes, I became a housewife violently, with the ability to pall. And so I go out to seek what haunts me, so this search for George in this world.
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comb your next people began as a catharsis, a self-managed space where an author (in this case me) could publish his writings, outside the traditional circuit of cultural magazines or books. "Project comb your hair" is a challenge, a "antiproyecto of communication" (an author combing because people come to read, the act of combing involves writing, design, distribute and market your own work). Part of the challenge was to prove that you can create alternative channels for the flow of personal production, away from the market laws. The magazine circulated spontaneously between December 2003 and December 2007, now only the blog version. And able to return. It is not known.
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Sunday September 7 19:30 hs.
Space Phenomena. Historical City Hall.
Emanuel Rodriguez Emanuel Rodriguez
opened his blog to get a date. He failed, but kept writing. Between narcissism and the utopia of independent publishing, dedicated to space will best stories, with the appearance that anytime you write something better. The secret of its noisy irrelevance is that Pinchilón Fonseca has no rules, or brackets, or any useful geometry. In general serves mostly to promote the events of the projects in which Rodriguez himself puts some effort, as the magazine Dictionary and lampoon Stone in the Shoe . In addition, he serves as an archive of the few redeemable things about writing in the newspaper. And we, from time to time it pays off in terms of appointments, especially in the field of truck drivers and plumbers when they crouch, and the same Rodríguez, they see the line. At the height of his dreams, Rodriguez wants to be a writer (not a journalist, not a humorist, not stock boy, "writer"), and the blog is the least harmful in that dream seems fulfilled.
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Fanzine: The Pink Elephant
Team: Coordination and Art / Lucas Chami / Art / Vicky Roldan Writing / Mariana Giansetto / Paul Jarab / Fernando Belzagui / Soledad Arrizabalaga Photography / Maria Paz Caminada / Gimena Lobito / John Lupien / Celeste Onaindia Production / Eli Ghersi
The pink elephant oversees the care of the earth, the integration of people and a collective dialogue. As an example difficult to hunt, ventures from the freedom and spontaneity in the search for expressions, statements and emerging art forms in plan to present a reality which arises the natural essence of being. Talk to your readers about art, culture, mysticism, ecology, literature, design, architecture, trends and society and leads his followers into parts of the city which offer pleasant alternatives.
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Monday September 8 18:00.
Space Phenomena. Historical City Hall.
The implementation of the institutional publication of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities involved the creation of a publishing project, as well as coordinating a selection process "correspondents", which, in turn, form an editorial board that chooses the notes and approaches to each issue. A After defining the content from the production area is made journalism and photography, the writing of each of the notes and the complete edition of the magazine.
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greater historical chapter
The Vernacular - cultural multispace
María José Liendro - Director General Cassina
Luciana - General Edition
Tagliavini Marisela - General Coordination
Laura Castro - General Coordination
Andrés Garrott - Graphic and web design
The creation of a media space is among the main targets, and through establishing a digital link between the various artistic and cultural expressions such as drama, music, art, literature, dance, tourism and gastronomy, among others. This will not only contributes to the dissemination of traditional heritage, but also promoting our creative heritage, promoting national culture and inviting to explore what identifies us as a society.
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Tuesday, September 9 19:30 pm.
Space Phenomena. Historic Cabildo
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Victor Pintos Open Interview: Digital Journalism, Cultural Marketing and other vicissitudes of the independent media.
Moderators: Droopy Fields / Dirty Ortiz / Ivan Lomsacov / Pablo Ramos. Victor Pintos
is a renowned journalist with long experience in various media related to culture among them magazines Express Imaginary , Humor and Rolling Stone and newspapers South , Clarín and Page / 12 . Today is a documentary, record producer, writer, broadcaster and news director of rock's most important site in Argentina ( http://www.rock.com.ar/ ). Just published a book with unpublished writings Yupanqui ( Atahualpa Yupanqui, the long road ) and from a few days ago is responsible the subject "New technologies applied to journalism, advertising, marketing and cultural management" at the Institute Fabian Mendoza Street.
The Central is an independent graphic Córdoba freely distributed bi-monthly edition. Careful balance between form and content, the magazine offers a look intelligent and critical music, books, movies, tv, design, theater, photography and visual arts, including gambling. It is designed so that consumers also enjoy common cultural and other recent decided to enter the field.
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19:30 pm September 11. Space Phenomena
Historical City Hall.
Interview by Omar Hefling.
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Space Phenomena. Historic Cabildo
-ambiguous, allusive, figurative, where the evaluation of the victims was not limited to, spent in "key realistic" portrait of the contributors to the dictatorship, militants as "traitors" and sectors of society considered "accomplices", or the reconstruction of the "internal Peronist."
the turn of the century, there were those who were encouraged to recount those years from a farcical side or whoever found "guilty" of what happened to the militants themselves for their "fanaticism."
The house rabbits , Laura Alcoba, enriches this series to explore a new possibility. How do you live those years, the daughter of a couple of montoneros, marked by the legal custody of the father and mother's clandestine militants, among whom he lives, in spite of everything? Written
from the child perplexity, The house rabbits is one of the literary events of the year. Rogelio
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Saturday September 13, 1918 hs.
Presents: Alejandro Mendez
With: Paula Oyarzábal, Maria Teresa Andruetto, Adriana Musitano and Juana Luján.
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interview: Emanuel Rodriguez / Respondent: Carolina Aguirre
29, is a writer and is obsessed with comedy, narrative structure, fluffy cats and weight-loss diets. His screenplays for short and medium length films were awarded at various festivals and competitions around the world (Rosario Festival, International Festival of New Latin American Cinema of Havana, San Diego Latino Film Festival, SAVI, Barcelona Independent Film Festival, San Francisco Film Festival , Short Film Competition TVE English Version). His first blog, Bestiaria , an inventory of stereotypes of women, was a finalist for two consecutive years Weblog Awards (2006 and 2007) in the United States, finalist for best blog in English BOBs world's BEST OF THE BLOGS 2007 organized by the newspaper Deutsche Welle in Germany, winner of Intel for Best Blog of Art and Culture of Latin America, and awarded for best magazine article All women in Spain. Since July, these texts and new ones are part of his first book, also called Bestiaria, released under the label Alfaguara. You can read the first pages clicking here and buy in any bookstore in Argentina, or online at this link , and receive anywhere in the world. Currently working with various magazines and publications in Argentina and manages The fighter in the journal Critique.
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Historical City Hall presents his blog: Carlos Godoy / / Luciano Lamberti
A performance? Does the paparazzi-favorite? A declaration of war? The cause or the consequence of failure? Topics: What's in a miscalculation of the trajectory of a missile, the expression of anger, masturbation and Christian guilt, truth above all things, the world from the prospect of a Mogul, chronicle of a dogfight, the life of mothers in pregnancy. Tortiluchas reviews with little public nearly two years of work interrupted by various causes and ridiculous.
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Present: Lila Pagola and Tappa Rayentray
In Girls and tics is a blog emerged, like so many, of the intention to spell out practices in the desire and intuition and otrasmujeres men interested in gender issues in the field of ICT and free software, to find material, news and some resources produced by us.
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Presents: Victoria Conci
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