Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camouflage Formal Wear


Juan Carlos A. Paesani - Nevada in the city of Villa Carlos Paz (Province of Córdoba - Argentina) - Barrio Sol and Rio - Wednesday, July 22, 2009 -

A cold snap from Antarctica affects a large part of Argentina and Chile where the wind chill is 16 degrees below zero. Snowfall is the heaviest they have lived these South American countries in the last 50 years.
The heaviest snowfall occurred this morning in southern Buenos Aires province, where he came to accumulate, for the first time in 50 years, between 20 and 40 inches of snow.
In the western province of Mendoza, the snowstorm forced to close the Cristo Redentor, the main road crossing between Argentina and Chile, and about 500 trucks remain pending the reopening of the road in Argentina.
In Federal Capital today the wind chill down to the 0.5 degrees, making it the coldest day of the year in the city, although experts announce that they are expected to decrease at even higher in coming days.
Source: Yahoo
Publication Date:
Domingo, 26 dEurope / Berlin July dEurope / Berlin 2009
Category: Latin America, to extreme meteorological .
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yeast Infection From Showering

fear that tropical storm becomes Andrew Hurricane
Mexico issued an alert for the Pacific coast. Forecasters say the force would graze the coast near Manzanillo .


AP Tropical Storm Andrew was next on Tuesday to become the first hurricane of the season in the Pacific, and whip the southwest of Mexico before the North will fly in front of a populated coast spas. Mexico issued a hurricane warning for the Pacific coast from just south of Manzanillo to near Puerto Vallarta.
The mayor of the port of Acapulco prepared 120 shelters and advised residents to stay at home, especially to the 15,000 people living in areas most at risk of flooding. Heavy rains on Sunday collapsed a few trees in this resort city in Guerrero state. Forecasters said that Andrew probably would graze the coast with hurricane force near Manzanillo.
The forecast track could make landfall tightly around towns such as Barra de Navidad. In this town located in the state of Jalisco, northwest of Manzanillo, Colima, Agapito García Martínez, safety manager for Grand Bay Hotel-Isla Navidad Resort, said the hotel staff was setting up the preparations for the storm, remove beach furniture and protect the windows, but said that had not yet received warnings from the authorities in this regard.
The National Hurricane Center in Miami said at 0900 GMT the center of the storm was 200 kilometers (125 miles) southeast of Manzanillo. Andrew had sustained winds of about 110 kph (70 mph) with higher gusts. It was moving northwest at about 13 kph (8 mph) speed. But it is expected that the storm's winds increase to 120 kph (75 mph) late on Tuesday or Wednesday.
The predicted path shows that will touching the central Mexican coast Tuesday and turn west to just before the tourist resorts of Los Cabos at the tip of the Baja California peninsula Thursday night or Friday. On Sunday night Andrew became the first storm of the hurricane season in the Pacific, which began May 15 and end on 30 November.
The most dangerous period is between July and September. Although it is rare that a named storm like Andrew arise so late in the season in the eastern Pacific. It's been almost 40 years since a storm so late in the season in the east of the ocean.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Reptile Vs Mammal Cell Respiration


Friday June 19, 2009 print edition
Note Society Climate Change
Higher levels of CO2 at 2.1 million years
discover that this coincides with the interval of higher temperatures in the planet's history.

Washington. Levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world are the highest in the last 2.1 million years, according to a study released yesterday by the journal Science. The investigation, which according to its authors provides new data about temperature cycles in the earth, yet dismisses the theory that the cause of the glacial land has been the drop in CO2 levels.
But on the other hand, confirms that these higher levels of gas coincided with intervals of higher temperatures on the planet. According to scientists at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in New York, CO2 levels were an average of only 280 parts per million. Currently, these levels are 385 parts per million, or 38 percent higher.
The team led by Bärbel Honisch, geochemistry of the observatory, reconstructed CO2 levels through the analysis of plankton buried in the depths of the Atlantic, off the coast of Africa. By measuring the isotope ratio could calculate how much CO2 was in the air when the plankton was alive.
This method allowed them to get better records than the polar ice layers dating back 800,000 years alone, according to the study. The world has suffered cyclical temperature changes over millions of years, but 850 thousand years ago the ice age cycles were longer and intense, a change that many scientists attributed the fall in CO2 levels. However, scientists at the Lamont-Doherty Observatory indicated that carbon dioxide levels during the transition was smooth and is unlikely to have caused the change.
"This study indicates that the CO2 was not the main trigger, but our data suggest that greenhouse gases and global climate are inextricably linked ", as stated Honisch. Meanwhile, in Brussels, the Heads of State and Government of the European Union is moving weeks into the formula for distributing international efforts to combat climate change.
The European Council will also call on EU countries to give concrete timetable ahead of the United Nations summit in Copenhagen end of the year. Canada will investigate climate supercomputer Toronto (Canada). The most powerful supercomputer in Canada, and one of the strongest in the world, went into operation yesterday at the University of Toronto in order to investigate the main effects of climate change. The computer, the IBM iDataPlex system installed in the consortium SCINET University, performs 300 trillion calculations per second, five times more powerful machines.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crown Royal V Jack Daniels

Climate change, pulling myths
deniers Posted: June 17, 2009 12:00 AM PDT

The effects of climate change globally are a latent reality that advances with the passage of time. Many people from different countries who are struggling for some time to improve the situation of environment. However, unfortunately, there are skeptics who downplay a fact so strong that affects the whole planet.

Image: San José, Costa Rica by modern_nomad

several examples of denial in the world. One of them has been the case environmentalist Bjoern Lomborg that already in 2007, fighting alone against the current. Lomborg Skeptical Environmentalist is a stranger who claims that global warming "is not an immediate threat to the world." According to the former director of the Danish Institute for environmental assessment and controversial author of several books, the reduction of greenhouse gases "is not a priority."

Image: Bilbao, Spain by young green

Going against the rest of their colleagues, Lomborg disagrees with the dire prophecies of future disasters. Ecologist denier has earned the ire of scientists colegasal and state: "There are other important challenges such as AIDS, malaria, malnutrition and poverty."
For him, trying to combat global warming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, could avoid damage that would result in about 4,820 million dollars by end of century, but that would cost between 4,575 and 37.632 million.
In one of his books entitled "Cool It", referring to violently manifested Kyoto Protocol as too costly and ineffective "and asks rulers to "keep his cool" and avoid "a state of panic that prevents rational decisions."
"I do not dispute global warming. It is a reality, but they have greatly exaggerated. We must stop this obsession with climate change and caring about other pressing problems, expressed by the author.
"Reducing CO2 emissions not make the world a better place to live" because "even if targets are achieved (by the protocol), only about two years could slow global warming to century, "says the ecologist.
"Very little you can do to spend money on technology research and development of energy economic alternatives that serve to reduce dependence on fossil fuels pollutants. "complains Lomborg.

Image: San José, Costa Rica by modern_nomad

In Mexico, Juan Manuel Alcocer, a founding member of the Mexican Association of Molecular Biology in Medicine and director of the School of Biology UANL. argues that a few years now, the issue of global warming and climate change has become a topic of constant interest for many countries in the world, but there are some groups of intellectuals, politicians and leaders of major companies involved to argue that global warming is an invention by the powerful nations and stop economic growth in underdeveloped countries .
"One goal is to demystify what is around these issues and this is one of the priorities we have to take," said Alcocer ago a couple of years.
Is it possible that there are people in the world capable of denying the undeniable?
This article is part of the campaign is organizing Efiquest of 100 blogs that address the issue of climate change . Changement climatique
Way, El Porvenir

How To Adjust Cliff Keen


climate change that can make renewable energy
Posted: June 16, 2009 09:39 PM PDT
The climate change, its problems and its effects are already widespread because it is an issue that concerns all the inhabitants of the planet. On the other hand, there are always some naysayers not end up accepting something that is imminent and real. The same happens when it is explained that renewables are a good alternative solution.

Image liferfe

Serve Danish example Bjoern Lomborg. Author of book "Cool it", the writer has made reference to renewable energy . The Skeptical Environmentalist foreign earned the ire of his colleagues when he said: "The global warming is not an immediate threat to the world and reducing greenhouse gases is not a priority."

As if that were not enough, Lomborg said: "Reducing CO2 emissions not make the world a better place to live because, ven if it achieves the objectives set by the Kyoto Protocol only could be stopped for about two years global warming at the end of the century. Very little can be done to spend money on technology research and development of energy economic alternatives that serve to reduce dependence on fossil fuels pollutants. "

Fortunately, people who achieve in full, and strive with all their forces to save the planet effects being produced and will produce, in the near future, the climate change and global warming investigate and seek solutions in the renewable energy .

There are reports prepared by the United United Nations, to shatter the myths deniers. Interesting cases of analysis are the reports he has been preparing the Action Network for Renewable Energy REN-21. These reports state clearly that renewables must become more and more important in the global energy supply if we fight against environmental threats and economic posed by climate change .

Image: green young

The role of renewable energies, considering a resource-constrained world CO2 poses a consensus among scientists. They know that the warming of more than 2 degrees above pre-industrial level could escape the threats of climate change .

The reports state that this limit can only be achieved by taking prompt and effective action, of course, include large markets for renewable energy, efficiency improvement for energy and fossil fuels more environmentally friendly than currently is driving global economy.

In Spain, a very interesting work is to be conducted by professors José Francisco Alenza Sarasíbar Miren Iriarte García and the Public University of Navarra , since it is the first compilation of normative legislative international community and English on this matter.

Indeed, the book presented by the teachers, in 2008 passed, called "Climate Change and renewable energy "and has been structured in three parts: climate change , renewable energy and energy efficiency.

This piece of research, and educational and informative nature, aims to raise humanity to the true urgency of finding a solution to climate change and rescues an excellent solution lies in making good use of renewable energy.

This article is part of the campaign is organizing Efiquest of 100 blogs that address the issue of climate change . Via
UNEP, Universia.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Long Can Trichomoniasis Lay Dormant In Men


The father of the theory of climate change, Wallace S. Broecker, happened yesterday in Madrid to receive the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge, which was the winner of the Climate Change category. In fact, a June 15, but in 1952, admitted the activist began work on the Earth Observatory of Columbia University (USA), which today is a professor. Perfect knowledge of the evolution of climate and ocean chemistry, Broecker was the first scientist who in 1975, defined climate change in an article in the journal Science.

American scientist is convinced that renewable energies are not going to produce enough energy to replace fossil fuels, at least in the next 50 years. During that time, energy needs are going to be increasing exponentially multiplied by the development of emerging economies. And with them, grow the carbon dioxide emissions.

Broecker says: "The great climatic changes have been negotiated in some way in the oceans, the amount they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. But the oceans are capable of capturing only 35% of CO2, therefore, at this rate until the year 2075 at best, would not be able to cool the planet. " In this context, the expert as the only alternative is a hybrid system, in which, first, further driving the development of alternative energy and at the same time, capture CO2 from the atmosphere. Further considering that, in his opinion, "it is necessary to reduce CO2 emissions by 90%."

To defend this theory, Broecker is based on investigations of their colleague Klaus Lackner of Columbia University, has developed a system whereby you can capture carbon dioxide.

Destination, aquifers

storage could be done in fresh water aquifers, deep ocean, injecting it into the basaltic rocks or in the polar regions, but this is the most remote. "The advantage of aquifers," said the expert, "is that all countries have some and would not be necessary international treaties." Precisely Norway, according to Broecker, "it takes about seven years storing CO2 in a sandy aquifer under the North Sea, with satisfactory results. "

Broecker explained that the industrialized countries have already given a lot of CO2, especially the U.S., and we must be "responsible. It is necessary to create an international agency and put to work, "he adds.

scientist states that the European Union has already held meetings to unlock significant budgets for this purpose. However, says: "The science adviser to President Obama told me in person that provides for the implementation of 50 pilot projects to capture CO2." In fact, Broecker himself involved in one of these programs in Iceland.

The month of December is the Copenhagen summit, which should define the limits of CO2 emission of each country to replace the Kyoto Protocol. He believes that, unlike what happened at other summits, "this time the U.S. contribution will be positive." Stresses in any case, awareness is needed in countries like China, in addition to overcoming political barriers of the past, "as the Jester had for president and he trusted only to the dictates his master", ironically, in reference to former U.S. President George W. Bush.

The northern hemisphere is warmer than the south

Today, the latest studies directed Broecker paleoclimatic for a year and a half are aimed at demonstrating that abrupt climate change may suffer periods, including less than 20 years. Based on data from closed lakes and stalagmites in caves, the scientist develops patterns of rainfall, "that are being reduced, unlike what happened in the glacial epoch, the thermal Ecuador moves to the northern hemisphere, to be heated , stirring it precipitation. "

Source: Pú

Publication Date: Tuesday, 16 dEurope / Berlin June dEurope / Berlin 2009Categoría:
global warming, environmental pollution , renewable energy , theories and predictions.
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank You Interview Letters For Dental Hygienist


Friday June 12, 2009 print edition
Society Note

Drought seems eternal in the Northeast

fields Quitilipi Area, Chaco, show the enormous lack water. According to information from National Weather Service, in northern Santa Fe, north of Cordova, east of Santiago del Estero, Chaco and Formosa rains that fell between January and June represent only between 20 and 30 percent of normal value for the area . It was the worst historical record since 1961. The consequences are felt in agricultural production and livestock mortality, without food or drinking water.
SOURCE: La Voz del Interior

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bromo Blue Plant Experiment

Photography Portal Site - Fire Year 2008

decree the environmental warning half the province

it because they will enter the season where the low humidity more easily occur in rural and forest fires.

Fernando Colautti

from The Province today declared a state of "environmental alert" in much of the territory of Cordoba, due to be entered into the season where the low humidity more easily occur in rural and forest fires.

The decree published in the Official Gazette states that the warning will last until December 31 in the departments Punilla, Calamuchita, Santa Maria, Pocho, Minas, San Alberto, San Javier, Cruz del Eje, Ischilín, Tulumba, Sobremonte, Rio Seco, Totoral, Columbus and Rio Cuarto.

The decree provides for "the prohibition in public lands (those areas) the ignition of any fire and any activity that could lead to starting fires. "The Government also asks the mayors and presidents of municipalities to adhere to the measure," dictating within their jurisdictions sismilares provisions and taking preventive measures and dissemination ".

decree also provides that dealers mountain resorts, tourist areas, campgrounds and resorts, land owners, summer houses, clubs and entertainment premises in general may not conduct or permit to be made of fire burning in their fields.

"In case of fire, shall be the immediate initiation of legal action patrimonial damages against the authors, perpetrators and / or guardians, with confiscation of property, in order to obtain compensation for the expenses to be incurred by the provincial government for its combat and fighting, "the same standard.

The Secretariat for Civil Defense and Risk Management under the Ministry of Government, may extend or reduce the area involved with this action "when the circumstances and climate and environmental conditions permit."
Article Source: The Voz del Interior

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Womens Stomachs Sat On


Sunday May 31, 2009 print edition
Note Health Society / Emerging
Germs of this century
climate change, inadequate health policy and health education population without causing the emergence of new diseases. In addition to dengue and swine influenza in Cordoba concerned about West Nile virus and St. Louis, as well as leishmaniasis, whooping cough and hemolytic uremic syndrome.

More behind the dengue virus and influenza virus. Climate change, globalization and new habits of life make the emergence of new germs and the reemergence of some old acquaintances.
But perhaps the virus that has endured is always the lack of education of governments and citizens. There is no precise knowledge about the situation because the monitoring and controls are not adequate. In turn, the population has no health awareness.
In Cordoba, the list of organisms of concern must include the virus of St. Louis and West Nile, whooping cough syndrome hemolytic uremic leishmaniasis. But the list is incomplete because, according to experts, there is no accurate epidemiological surveillance. For this paper, the provincial government provided no information, although that was required.

Dengue is still with us and will probably continue for several more years, although every effort was made. Why?
For several years there controlled the mosquito vector (Aedes aegypti), although the researchers cautioned that the population was growing. Arrived missing the virus for an outbreak in Córdoba. And that happened this year. "In 1963 it was considered that the mosquito was eradicated.
reappeared in 1986 in Misiones. There was to eliminate and control in 1995 resurfaced in Cordoba, Walter Almiron synthesized, a researcher at CONICET and mosquitoes National University of Cordoba (UNC). In the province there are 111 confirmed dengue cases and 84 suspects, according to the May 27 national health ministry.
The disease occurs in 61 districts of the capital and in 27 towns in the province. Marta Contigiani, arbovirus specialist at the Institute of Virology, Dr. José María Vanella (Invivo) of the UNC, understands that no one knows what was the real impact of dengue and if there were other similar viruses circulating. "We do not know if febrile with neurological involvement were all products of dengue.
We know that viruses are circulating, but we know the real impact of each," he says. Almiron Contigiani and say that should do more and better differential diagnosis to know what other germs are attacking.
Two suspects, relatives of the dengue virus, St. Louis and West Nile. Both are transmitted by the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, famous for its buzz. It differs by its habit of Aedes night. Played in the same sites (water containers), but also in natural environments such as canals and dikes.
San Luis virus dengue came before. "In 1998 we found that it was endemic in Córdoba. Remains so today," said Contigiani. In 2005 there was an outbreak in the capital with 49 cases and nine deaths. Meanwhile, the West Nile virus confirmed in humans in 2006, in the province. This year also been detected.
"The virus is because we have seen an impressive prevalence of antibodies in birds in Mar Chiquita and the capital," he confirms. Experts believe that, despite the priority today is dengue, other viruses also cause concern. Contigiani imagine a negative scenario "may be circulating two types of West Nile virus to infect humans, birds and horses, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bMar Chiquita.
Worse, some of them change and become more pathogenic. " Another germ that is knocking on doors Cordoba is produced by leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes, sandflies. "There is a big focus on La Banda, Santiago del Estero, near Cordoba and Cordoba were imported cases," says Hugo Pizzi, tropical disease specialist at UNC.
"This is the beginning of a lot of rare diseases that we will begin to see," he says. Dengue revealed the weaknesses of surveillance and disease control. "When in 1960 eliminated the Aedes aegypti, stopped working the national vector control. Argentina is not known for having a culture of prevention," said Adrian Diaz, a researcher the unlivable.
"If it had worked well 10 or 15 years ago did not suffer the diseases we have now. We must move from cure to prevention," says Pizzi. Meanwhile, Almiron agrees that monitoring and control that were made were not sufficient. "It means a lot of money and preventive health budget is not important in Argentina," he says.
The researchers believe that the dengue outbreak forced governments to take more seriously the health policy. With influenza A (H1N1) is working better and faster, they say. Pizzi argues that these organisms emerged by changes caused by the man who transformed subtropical temperate zones.
"When a man breaks an ecosystem of deforestation, living beings lose their ecological niche and are close to populated areas," he says. Contigiani adds that in a globalized world the exchange of people and goods is higher. With them come new pathogens and vectors.
SOURCE ARTICLE AND PHOTO: L to Voz del Interior - Sunday May 31, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Permanent Makeup Tools


Saturday May 30, 2009 print edition
300 000 deaths from climate change
Climate change kills 300 000 people annually and represents an economic cost of 125 billion dollars, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum which was presented yesterday in London. The study was prepared by experts and international agencies and aims to pressure world leaders to reach an agreement at the climate summit to be held in December in Copenhagen.
Former UN secretary general and president of the Forum Kofi Annan, said in the report that the economic crisis has pushed the fight against this phenomenon to the background and warned: "Climate change will not wait."
The report notes that this phenomenon currently affecting over 300 million people and have harmful effects especially to the poorest countries, yet emit only "one percent of CO2."
And maybe worse.
The projections for 2030 indicate that, go on, climate change is responsible 500 thousand deaths per year, will affect 600 million people and will represent an economic cost of 300 billion dollars.
"Something terrible is happening and we need to do something," insisted Annan. In the panel of advisers who participated in drafting this report there are experts of the International Institute for Environment and Development, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Environmental Programme United Nations and the nongovernmental organization Oxfam, among others.

Queen Sized Bed Uhaul

The snow forced the closure of the road to the High Peaks
Yesterday there were seven accidents.
Police decide whether to reopen today

The highest places in the mountains of Cordoba were yesterday Snow fall debut, among other things, forced to close the road to the High Peaks due to ice that formed on the asphalt. Throughout the day, the police recorded seven road accidents between La Posta and The Condor.

There was not fatalities, only minor injuries, "though some of the vehicles were badly smashed. The road remained closed almost all day yesterday and today to assess police if they reopen tomorrow. Temperatures, according to police sources, around eight degrees below zero.
Al starred in more serious accident as a Ford Ranger pickup, which gets lost at the height of the place two doors. The driver, a 45 year old man was trapped and had to be rescued by police and locals. He suffered head trauma and was taken to hospital in Mina Clavero. The woman who was traveling as a passenger suffered minor injuries. Both moved from Merlo to the city of Cordoba.

The alternative to travel to Traslasierra from the city of Cordoba is on National Route 38 (through Cosquín, Capilla del Monte, Cruz del Eje) and then splicing with Route 15. Since the detachment of The Post reported that at about 8 the temperature was 4 degrees below zero and fell overnight in some areas snow water. It also snowed on the way to the mountain boundaries in the department Calamuchita. In Villa Carlos Paz was a phenomenon of "slush" and hail Salsipuedes. Good prognosis.

In the city of Cordoba, the minimum temperature was recorded at 17, when the thermometer within 7.3 degrees. The only maximum was 10.3 degrees at 15.25. It is forecast to continue today in the morning cold, even with the possibility of rain, but by afternoon the weather will improve.

The good weather will continue tomorrow and Monday, with temperatures of up to 16 degrees, but Tuesday will the weather because it provides for the entry of a cold air mass.

Monday, May 25, 2009

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today grew up a centimeter to 1.22 meters. However, it remains low compared to the average level.

Paraná River today grew an inch off the coast of Rosario and amounted to 1.22 m high, but remains low compared to the average level, which improved drinking water supply in the city, Hydrometry Service reported Waterway.

The agency said the river was well to 2.28 meters from its historic average and estimated that its low height is accentuated in the coming days. In that sense, predicted the Paraná inches recorded in a week following the lowering of the river in Puerto Iguazu, where today they had a height of 9.60 meters, about 40 inches shorter than yesterday. Level Mission in that city was so far from the historic average for this time of year, which is about 20 meters.

The Paraná River ebb persisted throughout its course today, with the exception of the section front Rosario coast and the port area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Corrientes, which yesterday reported a flood peak of 2.06 meters and came today to 2.23. Moreover, the manager of Institutional Relations of the Aguas Santafesinas SA (Assa), Guillermo Lanfranco, confirmed in a statement "the modest growth recorded this weekend off the coast of Rosario." "It has allowed a better operation of the pumps extracting water, despite not being on the floor ideal for operation in one hundred percent," he said.

The manager explained that this improvement was enhanced by "the establishment of a pump that was out of service, which gave a large volume of water, and strengthening teams from Cuba who were in the north ".

Lanfranco pointed out that these factors" eased the situation, which remains complicated by the stack of Paraná. "For Fortunately, the community, gradually becoming aware of the need to protect the resource, "noted Lanfranco." Last Friday I observed in the downtown area to porters hosing the sidewalk, exemplified, for consideration by last must "insist that water is not wasted."

The downspout of Paraná began in December, when its level against the coast of Rosario was 3.50 meters and dropped to 1.02 on 5 January. Other low levels were recorded in February (1.68), March (1.93) and April (1.61).

Friday, May 22, 2009

Adult-empire Chikan Star

Photo-Floods February 2009 Santa Fe One Journal

Australian officials said today the affected area a disaster zone for two days by torrential rains and flooding that have killed at least one person and left a trail of victims . Thousands of people have been isolated and 6,000 have been evacuated in a vast expanse of land north of New South Wales, ABC radio reported.

In some places they have collected up to 450 millimeters of rain per square meter and an average of 250, while Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has offered the assistance of the Federal Government. Authorities did not rule out that the river overflows Wilson, 730 miles northwest of Sydney, passing through Lismore, a town of 30,000 inhabitants.

The river has already reached 10.4 meters and forced the evacuation of about 5,000 people, and a thousand other residents of the nearby town of Grafton began to collect their belongings after they accumulate up to 350 mm water per square meter in just ten hours. It has also ordered the closure of 240 schools and set up two evacuation centers in the area, and the Bureau of Meteorology warned that heavy rains continue for at least a day and a half.

alert is maintained in the neighboring state of Queensland, where yesterday was the same storm. In the worst floods since 1974, some 3,000 homes without power are still there, hundreds of roads impassable and many areas are completely flooded, although they have started cleaning.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Live With Thyroid Cancer


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Photography of a tornado and Link to site NATURAL PHENOMENA


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Saturday, May 16, 2009

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"The phenomenon of El Nino is not a new phenomenon, its observation is being made, at least since 1850. By then I had been detected as decreased fish stocks and sea birds, this phenomenon appeared noticeably towards the end of the year (between December and January), which caused the inhabitants of the Pacific coast of South America known as the phenomenon of the Christ Child, "as haunted to the dates of the Christian Christmas. Today we know quite simply as "El Niño". Subsequent Investigations known as ocean currents and winds from the Pacific Ocean were involved in this phenomenon. "(LINK TO WEBSITE BELOW)
Images and additional information in:

JPL's El Niño Watch TOPEX-Poseidon


"The phenomenon called El Nino is a warming of Pacific waters that occurs every 2 to 7 years and has a major influence on weather patterns in various parts of the world. "


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A sharp drop in temperature and possible snowfall are expected from next weekend for the Midwest. Meteorologist Mitre Mario Navarro told 810 that "from May 23 paid a very cold air to the Midwest, so expect temperatures between one and two degrees below center. The specialist also said that snow is expected, mainly in mountain areas. Today, warmer . The minimum today was 6.9 degrees at eight in the morning, after yesterday, the coldest so far this year, with a minimum of just two degrees. From the Meteorological Observatory reported a Lavoz Córdoba . today it is estimated that a maximum of 22 degrees.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Super Soccer Xp Water Gun


in Brazil floods caused 29 deaths and affecting 700,000 people
In some cities the water level has reached 12 meters

ARIAS JUAN 05/06/2009 Rio de Janeiro

Months of heavy rain have left half of Brazil under water. The floods have claimed at least 29 lives and affected some 700,000 persons in the northeast of Brazil. States most affected are Maranhão, Piauí, Pará, Ceará and Bahia and Amazonia.

See complete coverage
The news on other web sites in English

in other languages \u200b\u200b

precisely in that State, the Black River is only 80 centimeters to reach its highest level ever . Flood overflow Manaus, a city with 1.8 million inhabitants. In the Amazon, other rivers continue to rise and nearly 200,000 people have been evacuated.
In Maranhão, the most affected region, there have been 10 deaths and 43 municipalities are already in a state of emergency. In the state of Ceará have killed seven people have been evicted another 28,000.
rains forced to stop for a railroad that transports iron ore from the Carajas mine in the State of Pará.
In the city of Teresina, State of Piauí, the water level has reached 12 meters. To move, people "navigate" through the streets of the city aboard. In this region, at least 10,000 families homeless.
In Barreinrinha, a town of 27,000 inhabitants in the state of Amazonia, the authorities have asked that the entire city is evacuated, as it is submerged under water by 90%. Commerce is paralyzed and schools shut. There is also fear you start drinking water scarce. In Parintins, a town with 100,000 inhabitants, the Amazon has invaded its three main avenues and affected 1,700 families.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has moved to the areas most affected. Lula has called for close cooperation between the authorities of the States hardest hit by the floods to leave behind their political struggles and care for victims. Asked the mayor a report "accurate" about the impact of the rains in the affected States, all among the poorest in the country.
Forecasters do not provide a good outcome. The storm has caused the worst flooding in 20 years and is expected to rain continue for two weeks.
And while water is abundant in some areas, in others scarce. The Government has declared a state of drought emergency in 150 municipalities of the Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, reports France Presse. The region has had the driest April in 80 years. "Look at how Brazil is complicated: next week I will visit the drought in southern states. That means we have to take more seriously the climate issue," said Lula during his visit to Teresina, in the northern country.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sample Occupational Therapy Soap Notes



Virtually all Delta Ebro (Tarragona) can be sustained over the next 100 years against the effects of climate change, according to a study by the Department of Environment and Housing announced today.

The area, one of the most vulnerable to global warming Catalunya, be preserved at least 100 years ahead thanks to the Department's work on three possible scenarios: a rise in sea level of 15 centimeters in 2050, an increase of this level by 40 centimeters by 2100, and an increase of one meter in 2150.

With these scenarios, it works on the prognosis of receding shoreline outside the flooding of land adjacent to the coast in the mud and Alfacs, salt formation, storms, the variation climate and reducing flows and flooding river Ebro.

The Minister of Environment and Housing, Francesc Baltasar, presented a methodology, which may subsequently used in other vulnerable areas., which provides planning and management measures, data collection, public awareness and direct action.


proposes the formation of dunes, the clearing of natural habitats, infrastructure construction of environmental protection and management of the beach sand. This promotes a proactive approach wherever possible, and only wakes when there is no choice.

According to the study, the higher the risk for gaps Olles, Canal Vell, what Garxal, the Buddha Calaix, l'Alfacada the Platjola, the Tancada yl'Encanyissada and wetlands of the island of Sant Antoni, the Buddha, the river and ends Migjorn Fangar and Banya. The medium and low risk is on the banks of the Ebro in its lower section, in rice fields and sources.

Diagnostica equity loss by rising sea as Ampollamar urbanized cores, the Blister-Platja camping, the buildings of La Marquesa, Riumar urbanization, and the nuclei of Poblenou Muntells and Delta.

also expected to affect in road infrastructure and hydraulic front of the sea-ports of L'Ampolla, Deltebre and Sant Carles de la Rapita-points and rice.

The document is part of the Plan of 2008-2012 climate change mitigation and is a first foray into a series of studies that will start the Govern against global warming. Next, focus on water resources in Catalunya.

Source: Europa Press
Publication Date: Friday, 17 dEurope / Berlin April dEurope / Berlin 2009Categoría: Biodiversity and ecosystems . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 source. You leave a response, or trackback from your own site


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hawaiian To English Translation Phrases


28/09/2008 / Some of the areas most affected, the outcome favored the fields and towns of Cordoba and Bahia Blanca. The rain last night included a part of the province, with milímetrajes rather low. In Santa Fe and Chaco further precipitation is expected. The situation there is critical.

YEAR 2008

The worst drought in a hundred years
Holy Water: It rained in some provinces, but the drama continues


YEAR 2009

It is the worst drought in decades and the driest autumn in 100 years according to the INTA
Posted 13/01/2009 Read 372 times, 4 today
Water shortages caused severe losses in wheat and soybean planting.
The advanced technique of environments INTA, Estela Carballo: "There is no tendency to amend the lack of rain," he said.


Fsh Levels And Perimenopause



Since December 2003, the communes of the Sierras Chicas found on water emergency by a growing demand that the dam can not afford La Quebrada.
And the absence of significant rainfall in the reservoir basin so far this summer picture worsened dramatically, so that started Mendiolaza Unquillo and these days the service interruptions, for now at night.

cuts could even deepen in the coming weeks and affect Rio Ceballos, since the mayors of the three areas mentioned will meet with officials from unions to assess whether water is essential to the strengthening of this measure. It is a joint action ever undertaken by the three cities and their cooperatives.

La Quebrada and accuses a downspout of 6.5 meters. "To spend the winter, should be enough rain to grow the level of the dam at least three meters," said Daniel Salibi, Mendiolaza mayor, a town with many difficulties in supply.
A glimmer of hope is that precipitation announced for this purpose Night shift perspectives. "In February last year it rained enough to pass the dry season without problems. But until now we had a rain like this, "said Salibi.

users cooperatives are about 12 thousand families: half corresponds to Rio Ceballos, 5,000 and 1,100 to Unquillo Mendiolaza. For several years the number increased by 500 accounts per year, many of which were authorized by the Province.
A third less. The peak of La Quebrada dam is 35 meters, but the missing is one-third of its capacity. As in the dry season low three or four meters, the decrease could 10 meters, which go on red alert.

"In March 2005 the dam was 10 meters below its level, but there were 8,000 fewer people than the current supply, so the situation today is more worrying," said Marcelo Fassi, President of the Cooperative Water Rio Ceballos.

"We are at the limit. Although the dam is full, the water treatment plant in Rio Ceballos works almost 100 percent and does not reach to such demand. So new connections could stay, "he warned. He noted that "the only solution is to enable the plant in La Calera, which will triple production 70 thousand liters per hour to 210 thousand. With this flow will meet the needs of Mendiolaza and Unquillo 60 percent while improving the situation of La Calera, balances and Villa Allende, where they do not spare a drop. "

Fassi said that "the completion of the work was scheduled in 12 months, with completion by mid 2009. But on Wednesday with the mayors went to see the progress and after six months is just 20 per cent. "
Topics: the creek water Sierras Chicas drought

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02/22/2008 Image (click to enlarge )
"Satellite images that we then illustrate how powerful the effects of the drought that has been suffering in recent times the most important agricultural region Argentina. The satellite NASA's Terra captured these two images South of the province of Buenos Aires with a year apart. The comparison between February 2008 and March of 2009 reflects dramatic changes in the land and crops due to the critical shortage of rainfall. "(...)