today grew up a centimeter to 1.22 meters. However, it remains low compared to the average level.
Paraná River today grew an inch off the coast of Rosario and amounted to 1.22 m high, but remains low compared to the average level, which improved drinking water supply in the city, Hydrometry Service reported Waterway.
The agency said the river was well to 2.28 meters from its historic average and estimated that its low height is accentuated in the coming days. In that sense, predicted the Paraná inches recorded in a week following the lowering of the river in Puerto Iguazu, where today they had a height of 9.60 meters, about 40 inches shorter than yesterday. Level Mission in that city was so far from the historic average for this time of year, which is about 20 meters.
The Paraná River ebb persisted throughout its course today, with the exception of the section front Rosario coast and the port area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Corrientes, which yesterday reported a flood peak of 2.06 meters and came today to 2.23. Moreover, the manager of Institutional Relations of the Aguas Santafesinas SA (Assa), Guillermo Lanfranco, confirmed in a statement "the modest growth recorded this weekend off the coast of Rosario." "It has allowed a better operation of the pumps extracting water, despite not being on the floor ideal for operation in one hundred percent," he said.
The manager explained that this improvement was enhanced by "the establishment of a pump that was out of service, which gave a large volume of water, and strengthening teams from Cuba who were in the north ".
Lanfranco pointed out that these factors" eased the situation, which remains complicated by the stack of Paraná. "For Fortunately, the community, gradually becoming aware of the need to protect the resource, "noted Lanfranco." Last Friday I observed in the downtown area to porters hosing the sidewalk, exemplified, for consideration by last must "insist that water is not wasted."
The downspout of Paraná began in December, when its level against the coast of Rosario was 3.50 meters and dropped to 1.02 on 5 January. Other low levels were recorded in February (1.68), March (1.93) and April (1.61).
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