The green blog
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn, Germany
Posted: April 9, 2009 4:49 a.m. PDT
know too well what readers The Green Blog the global warming is not something that will happen, and climate changes are not something for the future, but something that has been happening for years, and it gets worse every day. But politicians are just going to sit down to discuss whether to do something in 2012. Yes, within three years. Of course, throughout this time at least get together to talk about what they're talking on that date.
just finished a pre meeting, the first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , held in Bonn, Germany. The idea is to reach a consensus on what will be discussed at the Copenhagen Summit in December 2009, another meeting where they will talk about what is going to do in 2012.
are politicians, display and turning the issue of dealing with a thousand times before. During the Bonn meeting at least had the presence of United States with a team of Barack Obama , which has a very different view on the subject of which his predecessor Bush.

Key issues were the distribution of efforts in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases , and to increase the financial and technological assistance from developed countries to those without have the technology to adapt to change.
also talked about reducing deforestation and degradation of ecosystems. Dela on a sustainable timber industry, and also to manage a gradual reforestation.
The idea is that when speaking in Copenhagen, and was able to reach an agreement on how it will combat climate change after the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. The problem is that in each meeting, seeks to reach a consensus, and never achieved, then kicks forward another meeting to reach consensus, and so on ... until one of the cities selected to meet you underwater ...
The idea is that when speaking in Copenhagen, and was able to reach an agreement on how it will combat climate change after the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. The problem is that in each meeting, seeks to reach a consensus, and never achieved, then kicks forward another meeting to reach consensus, and so on ... until one of the cities selected to meet you underwater ...
"This trading session, the first of this year, it is essential to global progress towards a political solution to the problem of climate change, "said Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). "The clock is ticking and the countries face an enduring challenge."
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