Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sample Occupational Therapy Soap Notes



Virtually all Delta Ebro (Tarragona) can be sustained over the next 100 years against the effects of climate change, according to a study by the Department of Environment and Housing announced today.

The area, one of the most vulnerable to global warming Catalunya, be preserved at least 100 years ahead thanks to the Department's work on three possible scenarios: a rise in sea level of 15 centimeters in 2050, an increase of this level by 40 centimeters by 2100, and an increase of one meter in 2150.

With these scenarios, it works on the prognosis of receding shoreline outside the flooding of land adjacent to the coast in the mud and Alfacs, salt formation, storms, the variation climate and reducing flows and flooding river Ebro.

The Minister of Environment and Housing, Francesc Baltasar, presented a methodology, which may subsequently used in other vulnerable areas., which provides planning and management measures, data collection, public awareness and direct action.


proposes the formation of dunes, the clearing of natural habitats, infrastructure construction of environmental protection and management of the beach sand. This promotes a proactive approach wherever possible, and only wakes when there is no choice.

According to the study, the higher the risk for gaps Olles, Canal Vell, what Garxal, the Buddha Calaix, l'Alfacada the Platjola, the Tancada yl'Encanyissada and wetlands of the island of Sant Antoni, the Buddha, the river and ends Migjorn Fangar and Banya. The medium and low risk is on the banks of the Ebro in its lower section, in rice fields and sources.

Diagnostica equity loss by rising sea as Ampollamar urbanized cores, the Blister-Platja camping, the buildings of La Marquesa, Riumar urbanization, and the nuclei of Poblenou Muntells and Delta.

also expected to affect in road infrastructure and hydraulic front of the sea-ports of L'Ampolla, Deltebre and Sant Carles de la Rapita-points and rice.

The document is part of the Plan of 2008-2012 climate change mitigation and is a first foray into a series of studies that will start the Govern against global warming. Next, focus on water resources in Catalunya.

Source: Europa Press
Publication Date: Friday, 17 dEurope / Berlin April dEurope / Berlin 2009Categoría: Biodiversity and ecosystems . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 source. You leave a response, or trackback from your own site


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hawaiian To English Translation Phrases


28/09/2008 / Some of the areas most affected, the outcome favored the fields and towns of Cordoba and Bahia Blanca. The rain last night included a part of the province, with milímetrajes rather low. In Santa Fe and Chaco further precipitation is expected. The situation there is critical.

YEAR 2008

The worst drought in a hundred years
Holy Water: It rained in some provinces, but the drama continues


YEAR 2009

It is the worst drought in decades and the driest autumn in 100 years according to the INTA
Posted 13/01/2009 Read 372 times, 4 today
Water shortages caused severe losses in wheat and soybean planting.
The advanced technique of environments INTA, Estela Carballo: "There is no tendency to amend the lack of rain," he said.


Fsh Levels And Perimenopause



Since December 2003, the communes of the Sierras Chicas found on water emergency by a growing demand that the dam can not afford La Quebrada.
And the absence of significant rainfall in the reservoir basin so far this summer picture worsened dramatically, so that started Mendiolaza Unquillo and these days the service interruptions, for now at night.

cuts could even deepen in the coming weeks and affect Rio Ceballos, since the mayors of the three areas mentioned will meet with officials from unions to assess whether water is essential to the strengthening of this measure. It is a joint action ever undertaken by the three cities and their cooperatives.

La Quebrada and accuses a downspout of 6.5 meters. "To spend the winter, should be enough rain to grow the level of the dam at least three meters," said Daniel Salibi, Mendiolaza mayor, a town with many difficulties in supply.
A glimmer of hope is that precipitation announced for this purpose Night shift perspectives. "In February last year it rained enough to pass the dry season without problems. But until now we had a rain like this, "said Salibi.

users cooperatives are about 12 thousand families: half corresponds to Rio Ceballos, 5,000 and 1,100 to Unquillo Mendiolaza. For several years the number increased by 500 accounts per year, many of which were authorized by the Province.
A third less. The peak of La Quebrada dam is 35 meters, but the missing is one-third of its capacity. As in the dry season low three or four meters, the decrease could 10 meters, which go on red alert.

"In March 2005 the dam was 10 meters below its level, but there were 8,000 fewer people than the current supply, so the situation today is more worrying," said Marcelo Fassi, President of the Cooperative Water Rio Ceballos.

"We are at the limit. Although the dam is full, the water treatment plant in Rio Ceballos works almost 100 percent and does not reach to such demand. So new connections could stay, "he warned. He noted that "the only solution is to enable the plant in La Calera, which will triple production 70 thousand liters per hour to 210 thousand. With this flow will meet the needs of Mendiolaza and Unquillo 60 percent while improving the situation of La Calera, balances and Villa Allende, where they do not spare a drop. "

Fassi said that "the completion of the work was scheduled in 12 months, with completion by mid 2009. But on Wednesday with the mayors went to see the progress and after six months is just 20 per cent. "
Topics: the creek water Sierras Chicas drought

Watch Aubrey Miles Prosti


image (click to enlarge )
02/22/2008 Image (click to enlarge )
"Satellite images that we then illustrate how powerful the effects of the drought that has been suffering in recent times the most important agricultural region Argentina. The satellite NASA's Terra captured these two images South of the province of Buenos Aires with a year apart. The comparison between February 2008 and March of 2009 reflects dramatic changes in the land and crops due to the critical shortage of rainfall. "(...)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Make Your Own Saddle Pad

know too well what readers The Green Blog the global warming is not something that will happen, and climate changes are not something for the future, but something that has been happening for years, and it gets worse every day. But politicians are just going to sit down to discuss whether to do something in 2012. Yes, within three years. Of course, throughout this time at least get together to talk about what they're talking on that date.

just finished a pre meeting, the first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , held in Bonn, Germany. The idea is to reach a consensus on what will be discussed at the Copenhagen Summit in December 2009, another meeting where they will talk about what is going to do in 2012.

are politicians, display and turning the issue of dealing with a thousand times before. During the Bonn meeting at least had the presence of United States with a team of Barack Obama , which has a very different view on the subject of which his predecessor Bush.

Key issues were the distribution of efforts in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases , and to increase the financial and technological assistance from developed countries to those without have the technology to adapt to change.

also talked about reducing deforestation and degradation of ecosystems. Dela on a sustainable timber industry, and also to manage a gradual reforestation.
The idea is that when speaking in Copenhagen, and was able to reach an agreement on how it will combat climate change after the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. The problem is that in each meeting, seeks to reach a consensus, and never achieved, then kicks forward another meeting to reach consensus, and so on ... until one of the cities selected to meet you underwater ...

"This trading session, the first of this year, it is essential to global progress towards a political solution to the problem of climate change, "said Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). "The clock is ticking and the countries face an enduring challenge."

We can not agree more with these final words, we hope to stop spinning, and that measures are drastic, as the drastic changes that the world is suffering because of our actions neglected for centuries that has battered both nature and our planet. Via

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Knex Vehicle Instructions


Our Laguna Mar Chiquita , Ramsar site Argentino, is being highly impacted by its tributaries. Scientists of the stature of Dr. Enrique Bucher and others in the National Academy of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CONICET investigations have been invaluable. have also left messages on concern the future of the Sea or Salt Lake endorheic . As an example of the problems that can cause the man to the mismanagement of these systems, not just bring pictures of the Laguna de Mar Chiquita, which can be observed, "feathers" or "Salt and Dust Clouds", as wind blows from the South or North. Satellites have taken photos, a warning to those who from the governments should address this issue.
Otherwise this mismanagement followed by the states, because it is a river shared by the provinces of Córdoba (with its two rivers: Xanaes and Suquía ) Santiago del Estero and Tucumán (through the Sali-Dulce system ); not know that can happen in the future.
As an example of the high human impacts have "The Aral Sea disaster." Below we have established two links so the reader can see that can happen when we "dominate" and "not caring" nature.
Juan Carlos A.
Engineer Chemical Engineer-Graduate Education
Population and Environment
Thursday April 9, 2009


The Aral Sea now occupies half its original size and volume accounts for a quarter, 95% of nearby swamps and wetlands have become deserts and over fifty delta lakes have dried up, with an area of \u200b\u200b60,000 hectares.
This lake served as a buffer against extreme weather in the area, so its huge decline has made it harder winters and summers. Nor must we forget the tremendous drought in the last few years, countries in the region.
The drying has exposed more than 30,000 kms. square salinized sand that the wind brings in millions of tons over distances of over 200 kms.
This also resulted in a lowering of water table level dropped from 53 to 36 meters. Commercial fishing, after disappearing for 28 of the thirty species of fish that inhabit these waters and get many fishing villages 60 kms. of the lake disappeared.